When first initiated on October 2, 2012, this movement has been endorsed by 14 civil society institutions in Indonesia. Other Internet users can follow to give support to the visited sites suarablogger.org.
The following content is the Internet Freedom Declaration.
We pledge to free and open Internet. We support various processes transparent and participatory governance policies in order to realize the Internet (Internet Governance), globally in general and Indonesia in particular, based on the rule of 5 (five) of the following basic principles:
- Expression : Do not censor the Internet that aim and / or may limit human rights.
- Access : Increase equitable universal access to the Internet is fast and affordable.
- Openness : Let the Internet be an open network where all people are free and responsible to communicate, learn, create, and innovate.
- Innovation : Protect the freedom to innovate and work in the Internet, new technologies should not hinder and penalize the innovators because these things are done by the users.
- Privacy : Protect your privacy on the Internet and defend everyone's right to control how he uses his data and tools.
14 (fourteen) Indonesian civil society institutions which first agreed to support and / or declare the freedom of the Internet was on October 2, 2012 are: ICT Watch, Volunteer Information and Communication Technology (RTIK), Center for Innovation, Policy and Governance (CIPG ), White Water Foundation, Indonesian Center for Deradicalisation and Wisdom (ICDW), the Alliance of Indonesian Journalists (AJI), Institute for Policy Research and Advocacy (ELSAM), Arus Pelangi, Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR), Combine Resource Institution (CRI) , Indonesia Online Advocacy (idol), One World, Common Room Networks Foundation and Community Voice.