RT's tweet came through at 8:12am. Around 20 minutes later, Antileaks tweeted that it was responsible for the DDoS, and attached a hashtag supporting Pussy Riot. The Wikileaks account then went on to condemn the attack, suggesting that it was connected with RT's support of Assange, rather than the punk band.
Assange, who faces extradition from the UK to Sweden to face questioning over sexual assault allegations, had a chat show on RT, with one of his guests having been Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa.
Correa granted Assange diplomatic asylum on Thursday. However, that move has so far had a limited effect, since the UK does not recognise that type of asylum and Assange cannot get safe passage to an airport.
RT is a strong supporter of Assange, but it is also a supporter of the Russian leader. Many free-speech advocates are incensed at the likelihood of the Pussy Riot members facing jail time for playing an anti-Putin song in a church.