MIM is the professional association of managers and organisations, independent, non-political and non-profit seeking. It is also a development centre to enhance and maintain management standards.
The hacker deface the main domain(mim.org.my) as well as two subdomains(membership.mim.org.my,training.mim.org.my).
At the time of writing, admin of this site removed the defacement and informed about the hack.
"We regret to inform you that our official website www.mim.org.my was hacked yesterday 22 Aug 2012 by some unscrupulous individuals." MIM Management message reads.
"As of today 23 Aug 2013 it is still offline and we would like to reassure you that our team at MIM is working hard to resolve this issue. Thank you for your kind patience and understanding on this matter. Should you require any information about our courses/events/membership, please do:"
You can find the mirror of the defacement here: